Providing Energy Access
To Off-Grid Communities
Who are we ?
We are passionate innovators, and there is nothing we love more than building multidisciplinary teams able to solve real-world problems in exciting and novel ways.
What We Do ?
We Create
Our feedstock flexible, containerised, advanced thermal technology simultaneously converts agricultural and food manufacturing waste residues to renewable electricity, process heat and biofuels.
We Build Networks
We build international consortia that develop circular economy supply chains based on our patent-pending technology, while helping communities reach their highest potential.
We Encourage
We provide specialist mapping services used to detect biomass resources and energy use patterns in rural and urban settings while spreading our eco-friendly beliefs.
Bio-energy consists of renewable energy derived from biodegradable materials.
What types of bio-energy exist?
Fuels produced directly or indirectly from biodegradable materials.
Biofuels, just like fossil fuels, are hydrocarbons.
Unlike fossil fuels which are extracted from ancient geological deposits, biofuels are typically made from agricultural and biodegradable waste or energy crops such as Miscanthus.
what types of bio-fuels exist?
Syngas is a mixture of non-condensing gases containing varying amounts of Hydrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Methane and other light hydrocarbons.
Bio-oil is a pyrolysis condensate which can be upgraded using thermo-catalytic processes, to renewable Kerosene and Diesel blending components.
We have developed a range of Biochar-based biofertilisers called NUTRICHAR® which soil-sequesters carbon (removed from the atmosphere by plants), for over 100 years.
How we transform waste into value
The PYROCHEMY® process turns waste biomass into a decentralised source of renewable cooling, heat, power and carbon removal via our NUTRICHAR® range of Biochar-based biofertilisers.
Our PYROCHEMY® pyrolysis technology can handle a much wider range of feedstocks than the conventional gasifier technologies currently on the market.
By processing high volumes of cheap, abundant waste biomass, our PYROCHEMY® technology will provide clean-carbon neutral cooling, heat & power at a very competitive unit cost per kWh.
Project locations
Borders are not an impediment to us!
Our projects are located in different areas of Sub-Saharan Africa. We plan to propagate our concept and ideas in as many places as possible.
At the moment Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Ethiopia are four countries where we are trying to implement our vision.
4 projects
We are currently working on 4 different projects to test and address different use cases of our technology across numerous African settings
10 members
Characterised by diversity, our team is constantly expanding, even during uncertain times
123 meetings
We keep our funders and partners updated as a priority through efficient communication
1500 people
Our projects help communities adopt renewable energy technologies and we always appreciate every smile we receive

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Do you want to discuss a commercial proposal to turn your waste into renewable cooling, heat, electricity and value-added products using our Pyrochemy testing platform?
Follow Us
Faraday Wharf
Holt Street
B7 4BB
United Kingdom - +44(0)121 285 4404